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Bay of Plenty Region

This section provides people and indicator data for Bay of Plenty.

People data for Bay of Plenty

Ethnicity by age, proportion in the area and sex: Census 2006, Estimated population change, births, deaths and natural increase from 1996, Projected population change, Household composition

Indicator data for Bay of Plenty

Health: Life expectancy, Cigarette smoking, Suicide

Knowledge and Skills: Participation in early childhood education, School leavers with higher qualifications, Educational attainment of the adult population

Paid Work: Unemployment rate, Employment rate, Median hourly earnings, Workplace injury claims

Economic Standard of Living: Population with low incomes, Household crowding

Civil and Political Rights: Voter turnout - local authority elections, Representation of women in local government

Cultural Identity: Māori language speakers, Language retention

Leisure and Recreation: Participation in physical activity

Physical Environment: Drinking water quality

Safety: Recorded criminal offences, Road casualties

Social Connectedness: Telephone and internet access in the home, Contact between young people and their parents

People data for Bay of Plenty

Ethnicity by age, proportion in the area and sex: Census 2006

Ethnicity European Māori Pacific Asian Other Total
Age Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
0 - 14 40,395 21.0 24,120 35.6 2,853 44.2 2,085 26.6 249 29.2 59,271 23.0
15 - 24 20,670 10.8 11,040 16.3 1,131 17.5 1,230 15.7 132 15.5 30,717 11.9
25 - 44 46,884 24.4 17,901 26.5 1,566 24.2 2,739 35.0 312 36.6 65,751 25.5
45 - 64 50,526 26.3 11,265 16.6 720 11.1 1,446 18.5 129 15.1 63,579 24.7
65 - 74 17,490 9.1 2,334 3.4 126 1.9 237 3.0 18 2.1 20,442 7.9
75+ 16,089 8.4 1,002 1.5 72 1.1 78 1.0 12 1.4 17,613 6.8
Total 192,057 100.0 67,662 100.0 6,462 100.0 7,824 100.0 852 100.0 257,379 100.0
Ethnic % in the area 78.1 27.5 2.6 3.2 0.3 104.7
Male 92,433 48.1 32,700 48.3 3,366 52.1 3,735 47.7 432 50.7 124,812 48.5
Female 99,621 51.9 34,962 51.7 3,099 48.0 4,089 52.3 420 49.3 132,567 51.5
    100.0   100.0   100.0   100.0   100.0   100.0

Estimated population change, births, deaths and natural increase from 1996

Year Estimated resident
population at June
Population change Registered births
December year
Registered deaths
December year
Natural increase
December year
Number %
1996 230,600  -  - 3,746 1,933 1,813
1997 235,400 4,800 2.1 4,000 1,874 2,126
1998 239,700 4,300 1.8 3,712 1,721 1,991
1999 242,500 2,800 1.2 3,833 1,977 1,856
2000 245,200 2,700 1.1 3,690 1,879 1,811
2001 246,900 1,700 0.7 3,615 2,049 1,566
2002 250,700 3,800 1.5 3,536 1,985 1,551
2003 255,000 4,300 1.7 3,620 1,971 1,649
2004 259,000 4,000 1.6 3,833 2,074 1,759
2005 262,200 3,200 1.2 3,771 1,956 1,815
2006 265,300 3,100 1.2 3,842 2,152 1,690
2007 267,700 2,400 0.9 4,055 2,139 1,916
2008 269,900 2,200 0.8 4,117 2,243 1,874

Projected population change

Variant Population at 30 June Change 2006 - 2031
2006 2011 2016 2021 2026 2031 Number %
High   286,700 306,700 325,800 344,300 361,700 96,400 36.0
Medium 265,300 279,900 293,100 305,200 316,400 326,200 60,800 23.0
Low   273,000 279,300 284,500 288,700 291,200 25,900 10.0

Household composition

Household composition 1986 1991 1996 2001 2006
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
Couples with children 24,720 40.5 24,006 34.3 24,024 31.0 23,472 27.7 25,302 27.2
Couples without children 16,080 26.3 19,362 27.7 22,581 29.1 25,005 29.5 28,134 30.3
Multi-family 1,404 2.3 1,377 2.0 2,238 2.9 1,776 2.1 2,415 2.6
One parent family 5,910 9.7 9,243 13.2 10,254 13.2 11,937 14.1 12,225 13.2
One person 9,969 16.3 12,879 18.4 15,258 19.7 19,257 22.7 21,189 22.8
Other multi-person 2,946 4.8 3,048 4.4 3,123 4.0 3,318 3.9 3,648 3.9
Total 61,026 100.0 69,915 100.0 77,478 100.0 84,765 100.0 92,916 100.0

Indicator data for Bay of Plenty


Life expectancy

Life expectancy at birth indicates the total number of years a person could expect to live, based on the mortality rates of the population at each age in a given year or period.

Indicator 1990 - 1992 1995 - 1997 2000 - 2002 2005 - 2007
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Life expectancy at birth (years) 72.5 78.0 73.0 79.2 75.4 80.5 77.1 81.9

Cigarette smoking

The proportion (%) of the population in the area aged 15 years and over who currently smoke cigarettes.

The age-standardised prevalence (%) of cigarette smoking by sex
Year Male Female Total
Number % Number % Number %
1981 21,444 36.4 20,112 33.6 41,559 35.0
1996 19,890 27.9 21,645 28.9 41,526 28.4
2006 19,950 26.1 22,569 27.1 42,510 26.6
The age-specific prevalence (%) of cigarette smoking (not age-standardised)
Year 15 - 24 25 - 44 45 - 64 65+
Number % Number % Number % Number %
1981 11,568 38.5 16,821 38.3 10,245 33.0 2,925 18.9
1996 9,042 33.9 19,998 33.6 9,717 22.7 2,769 10.3
2006 8,466 30.7 18,894 31.5 12,531 21.5 2,619 7.6
The age-standardised prevalence (%) of cigarette smoking by ethnicity 2006
Sex European Māori Pacific Asian Other Total
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
Male 11,652 23.6 7,305 38.0 558 31.3 423 16.6 2,061 19.0 19,947 26.1
Female 12,876 23.2 10,335 46.0 597 33.8 228 7.8 1,830 17.4 22,557 27.1
Total 24,537 23.3 17,640 42.3 1,152 32.3 651 12.0 3,897 18.2 42,507 26.6


The number of suicide deaths per 100,000 population, and the number of hospitalisations for intentional self-harm per 100,000 population, expressed as an age-standardised rate for the population aged 5 years and over.

Suicide deaths and hospitalisation for intentional self-harm
Sex 2002 - 2006
Suicide deaths Hospitalisations
Number Rate per 100,000 Number Rate per 100,000
Male 149 22.9 324 52.9
Female 37 5.0 635 103.7
Total 186 13.6 959 78.5

Knowledge and Skills

Participation in early childhood education

The number of 3 and 4 year olds enrolled in early childhood centres or home-based education programmes as a proportion of all 3 and 4 year olds and the number and proportion of Year 1 students who indicated they have attended some form of early childhood education.

"Apparent" participation rate, 3 and 4 year olds (numbers can add to more than 100%)
Year Participation rate % Number enrolled
3 year 4 year Total 3 year 4 year Total
2001 86 97 92 3,328 3,742 7,070
2002 85 99 92 3,247 3,845 7,092
2003 88 94 91 3,375 3,708 7,083
2004 86 100 94 3,212 3,978 7,190
2005 92 104 98 3,324 3,903 7,227
2006 89 106 97 3,299 3,869 7,168
2007 95 100 98 3,709 3,697 7,406
2008 103 103 103 3,914 4,037 7,951
Early childhood attendance by Year 1 students, by ethnic group
Year European Māori Pacific Asian Other Total
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
2000 2,023 95.5 1,521 86.9 53 88.3 53 86.9 15 93.8 3,666 91.4
2001 1,966 96.9 1,503 86.5 49 83.1 54 90.0 17 100.0 3,589 92.0
2002 1,978 96.5 1,514 87.2 46 85.2 77 92.8 14 87.5 3,633 92.1
2003 2,018 97.6 1,560 91.0 63 80.8 95 94.1 16 94.1 3,755 94.3
2004 2,000 97.9 1,472 88.6 51 82.3 85 89.5 19 95.0 3,630 93.4
2005 2,129 97.8 1,549 88.7 65 86.7 71 92.2 24 92.3 3,843 93.6
2006 1,958 98.5 1,397 87.0 65 87.8 93 93.9 14 93.3 3,527 93.3
2007 1,847 98.2 1,440 91.4 60 83.3 94 94.0 29 96.7 3,470 94.9
2008 1,762 98.0 1,413 90.8 69 83.1 112 91.1 37 92.5 3,393 94.2

School leavers with higher qualifications

The proportion of school leavers who had attained a qualification at National Certificate of Educational Attainment (NCEA) Level 2 or above, and the proportion who leave with Bursary and above.

School leavers with higher qualifications, by sex
Year NCEA Level 2 or higher Bursary or higher
Sex (%) Total Sex (%) Total
Male Female Number % Male Female Number %
2005 44.3 54.1 1,852 49.2 19.1 29.7 919 24.4
2006 50.0 56.5 1,946 53.2 22.6 32.1 997 27.3
2007 58.2 63.7 2,205 61.0 26.7 37.1 1,154 31.9
School leavers with higher qualifications, by ethnicity
NCEA Level 2 or higher
Year European Māori Pacific Asian Other Total
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
2005 1,308 60.3 439 31.4 14 26.9 74 77.9 17 37.0 1,852 49.2
2006 1,413 63.1 412 33.4 26 47.3 74 74.7 21 75.0 1,946 53.2
2007 1,491 71.2 580 43.7 25 38.5 88 85.4 21 75.0 2,205 61.0
Bursary or higher
Year European Māori Pacific Asian Other Total
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
2005 729 33.6 127 9.1 5 9.6 47 49.5 11 23.9 919 24.4
2006 774 34.5 150 12.2 9 16.4 52 52.5 12 42.9 997 27.3
2007 872 41.6 201 15.1 9 13.8 59 57.3 13 46.4 1,154 31.9

Educational attainment of the adult population 25-64

The proportion of adults aged 25–64 years with an educational attainment of at least upper secondary school level and the proportion of adults with at least tertiary qualifications.

At least upper secondary, by age and sex ("..s" indicates numbers below 1,000)
Year Male Female 25 - 44 45 - 64 Total 25 - 64
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
1986 25,000 58.7 21,700 47.4 30,500 61.4 16,100 41.8 46,600 52.9
1991 32,200 65.5 32,200 62.5 41,200 69.6 23,200 55.9 64,400 64.0
1996 36,300 69.4 34,000 62.5 40,700 69.5 29,700 61.5 70,400 65.9
2001 40,100 71.6 43,100 70.7 49,200 75.9 34,100 65.2 83,300 71.1
2002 43,700 74.9 46,100 73.9 50,400 78.7 39,500 69.6 89,800 74.4
2003 44,100 77.0 45,100 73.9 49,800 80.1 39,400 70.1 89,200 75.4
2004 42,000 74.6 44,000 73.9 46,600 79.8 39,300 68.6 86,000 74.3
2005 36,000 73.4 37,200 71.1 37,400 76.8 35,800 67.9 73,200 72.2
2006 41,800 75.8 44,100 74.5 45,700 79.6 40,300 70.7 86,000 75.2
2007 42,600 74.4 45,600 74.3 47,400 78.2 40,700 70.3 88,100 74.4
2008 41,300 72.6 45,100 74.3 43,500 75.0 42,800 72.0 86,300 73.5
At least tertiary, by age and sex ("..s" indicates numbers below 1,000)
Year Male Female 25 - 44 45 - 64 Total 25 - 64
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
1986 2,400 5.7 1,500 3.2 3,300 6.7 ..s ..s 3,900 4.4
1991 3,500 7.1 1,500 3.0 3,100 5.1 2,000 4.7 5,000 5.0
1996 3,200 6.1 2,000 3.7 3,600 6.2 1,500 3.2 5,200 4.9
2001 3,300 5.8 4,400 7.2 5,000 7.7 2,600 5.1 7,600 6.5
2002 4,800 8.2 4,800 7.6 6,100 9.5 3,500 6.1 9,500 7.9
2003 5,200 9.1 4,900 8.0 6,800 10.9 3,400 6.0 10,100 8.6
2004 4,500 8.0 5,000 8.5 5,700 9.8 3,800 6.6 9,500 8.2
2005 4,200 8.6 4,500 8.6 5,000 10.2 3,700 7.1 8,700 8.6
2006 5,800 10.5 5,900 10.0 7,300 12.7 4,400 7.8 11,700 10.2
2007 8,200 14.4 8,600 14.0 9,900 16.3 7,000 12.0 16,800 14.2
2008 8,100 14.2 7,900 13.0 8,600 14.8 7,300 12.3 15,900 13.6
At least upper secondary, by ethnicity ("..s" indicates numbers below 1,000) 
Year European Māori Pacific Other Total
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
1986 41,200 59.0 5,200 30.0 ..s ..s ..s ..s 46,600 52.9
1991 53,600 71.7 9,100 38.6 ..s ..s 1,100 77.2 64,400 64.0
1996 54,100 71.8 13,800 49.8 ..s ..s 1,500 73.7 70,400 65.9
2001 61,700 75.8 18,500 58.8 1,200 65.2 1,900 77.8 83,300 71.1
2002 65,800 78.2 19,500 63.0 1,600 77.2 3,000 81.9 89,800 74.4
2003 66,400 79.6 18,900 62.6 1,100 75.1 2,500 84.2 89,200 75.4
2004 64,600 77.6 18,300 65.3 1,100 73.6 1,800 64.0 86,000 74.3
2005 54,500 75.7 15,100 61.3 ..s ..s 2,700 83.7 73,200 72.2
2006 63,900 78.7 17,200 64.6 ..s ..s 4,200 81.9 86,000 75.2
2007 68,100 78.8 16,500 63.0 ..s ..s 3,000 66.5 88,100 74.4
2008 64,900 77.4 17,300 64.3 ..s ..s 3,100 64.3 86,300 73.5
At least tertiary, by ethnicity ("..s" indicates numbers below 1,000) 
Year European Māori Pacific Other Total
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
1986 3,800 5.5 ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s 3,900 4.4
1991 4,400 5.8 ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s 5,000 5.0
1996 4,100 5.5 ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s 5,200 4.9
2001 5,900 7.3 1,100 3.4 ..s ..s ..s ..s 7,600 6.5
2002 7,600 9.0 1,100 3.7 ..s ..s ..s ..s 9,500 7.9
2003 7,800 9.3 1,500 5.0 ..s ..s ..s ..s 10,100 8.6
2004 7,300 8.7 1,600 5.7 ..s ..s ..s ..s 9,500 8.2
2005 6,100 8.5 1,500 5.9 ..s ..s 1,200 35.7 8,700 8.6
2006 8,900 10.9 1,500 5.6 ..s ..s 1,300 26.4 11,700 10.2
2007 13,400 15.5 2,100 8.2 ..s ..s 1,200 27.1 16,800 14.2
2008 12,200 14.6 2,200 8.2 ..s ..s 1,200 25.5 15,900 13.6

Paid Work

Unemployment ('..s' indicates numbers below 1,000)

The number of people aged 15 years and over who are not employed and who are actively seeking and available for paid work, expressed as a percentage of the total labour force.

Year 15 - 24 25 - 44 45 - 64 Male Female Total 15+
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
1986 2,300 9.7 1,300 3.2 ..s ..s 1,900 3.7 2,300 5.9 4,200 4.6
1991 5,300 23.5 5,300 11.0 1,800 7.2 7,100 13.1 5,300 12.2 12,400 12.7
1996 3,500 16.9 3,800 8.5 1,200 3.4 4,400 7.9 4,100 9.0 8,500 8.4
2001 3,900 19.9 3,300 6.5 2,100 5.4 4,300 7.3 5,100 9.7 9,400 8.4
2002 3,300 17.1 3,700 7.2 1,800 4.0 4,400 6.9 4,500 8.3 8,900 7.6
2003 2,600 13.5 3,300 6.6 1,800 4.1 3,500 5.8 4,200 7.7 7,700 6.7
2004 2,200 10.7 2,300 4.7 1,400 3.2 3,000 4.7 3,100 5.5 6,100 5.1
2005 1,800 9.6 1,500 3.7 1,100 2.6 2,000 3.6 2,400 4.8 4,400 4.2
2006 2,100 11.8 1,800 3.7 ..s ..s 2,300 3.7 2,600 4.8 4,900 4.2
2007 2,300 11.6 1,400 2.8 ..s ..s 2,000 3.0 2,400 4.2 4,400 3.6
2008 2,500 13.0 1,600 3.3 1,200 2.5 2,700 4.2 2,600 4.7 5,300 4.4

Employment rate (% - '..s' indicates numbers below 1,000)

The proportion of the population aged 15–64 years who are in paid employment for at least one hour per week.

Year 15 - 24 25 - 44 45 - 64 65+ Male Female Total
15-64 15-64 15-64
1986 65.7 80.3 60.4 8.0 82.9 57.8 70.0
1991 53.2 71.8 56.3 7.9 70.4 54.9 62.4
1996 56.5 70.0 67.8 7.1 74.4 58.3 66.3
2001 51.3 73.9 69.8 6.6 75.4 60.7 67.8
2002 53.4 74.6 74.5 8.9 77.9 63.2 70.3
2003 56.2 74.2 74.0 9.1 77.4 64.0 70.5
2004 62.5 80.7 76.4 10.9 82.4 68.5 75.3
2005 62.1 79.4 78.5 11.5 83.6 67.9 75.4
2006 61.6 80.5 78.4 12.9 84.3 68.3 76.2
2007 60.3 81.1 80.5 11.8 85.5 68.8 76.8
2008 54.9 78.9 80.1 11.8 81.4 67.8 74.5

Median hourly earnings ($)

Real median hourly earnings from all wages and salaries for employees earning income from wage and salary jobs, as measured by the New Zealand Income Survey.

Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Total 15.8 15.8 15.5 15.6 15.7 16.4 16.5 17.0 17.0 17.3 17.5

Workplace injury claims

The number of workplace accident insurance claims reported to the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) per 1,000 full-time equivalent employees (FTEs), excluding those employees who received accident and emergency treatment only.

December year Number of claims % of claims by sex Rate per
1,000 FTEs
Male Female Total Male Female
2002 11,728 4,071 15,799 74.2 25.8 171.4
2003 11,930 4,122 16,052 74.3 25.7 178.2
2004 12,309 4,202 16,511 74.6 25.4 173.9
2005 12,194 4,224 16,418 74.3 25.7 197.2
2006 11,783 4,384 16,167 72.9 27.1 174.4
2007 11,200 4,300 15,600 71.8 27.6 157.0

Economic Standard of Living

Population with low incomes

The proportion of people living in households with gross real income less than 60% of the median equivalised national income benchmarked at 2001.

Population with low incomes, by ethnicity
Year European Māori Pacific Asian Other Total
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
1986 21,891 18.3 8,619 26.8 465 26.7 228 20.7 21 20.0 29,685 20.0
1991 35,310 27.7 17,754 48.1 1,098 46.6 396 26.0 33 23.9 51,567 32.1
1996 33,777 24.0 17,349 41.7 1,368 40.6 882 31.6 87 26.6 47,346 27.7
2001 29,799 20.9 16,185 38.9 1,221 36.2 1,056 31.9 93 23.8 43,470 24.7
2006 29,388 18.4 13,635 29.4 1,245 29.1 1,608 29.5 150 23.0 41,556 21.1
Population with low incomes, by age
Year 0 - 14 15 - 24 25 - 44 45 - 64 65+ Total
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
1986 9,840 25.2 2,583 11.3 6,069 14.5 4,872 17.0 6,321 38.9 29,685 20.0
1991 16,089 39.9 5,298 24.5 11,403 24.6 8,661 26.9 10,122 49.8 51,567 32.1
1996 15,432 35.8 4,545 23.2 10,635 21.5 7,500 20.8 9,231 40.1 47,346 27.7
2001 14,838 33.8 3,828 22.0 9,402 19.5 7,149 17.4 8,253 32.5 43,470 24.7
2006 11,835 25.9 3,402 16.4 7,689 15.1 7,653 15.2 10,974 37.1 41,556 21.1
Population with low incomes, by sex
Year Male Female
Number % Number %
1986 13,221 18.0 16,467 21.9
1991 23,214 29.5 28,356 34.5
1996 21,234 25.3 26,112 30.0
2001 18,945 22.2 24,525 27.1
2006 18,633 19.4 22,923 22.6

Household crowding

The proportion of the population living in crowded housing (ie requiring one or more additional bedrooms, as defined by the Canadian Crowding Index).

Household crowding, by ethnicity
Year European Māori Pacific Asian Other Total
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
1986 11,202 8.2 16,560 38.5 867 37.1 264 20.2 21 16.3 27,690 15.5
1991 10,086 7.0 15,105 31.5 981 33.0 399 20.8 21 12.5 25,641 13.3
1996 10,443 6.5 16,641 28.7 1,577 33.3 620 17.1 51 12.7 25,732 12.2
2001 7,806 4.7 14,943 26.1 1,344 27.6 732 16.2 36 7.9 22,743 10.4
2006 8,091 4.5 15,681 25.5 1,731 29.8 1,224 17.2 81 10.4 24,594 10.4
Household crowding, by age
Year 0 - 9 10 - 14 15 - 24 25 - 44 45 - 64 65+ Total
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
1986 6,663 21.7 3,894 21.8 7,392 24.7 6,603 13.1 2,682 8.1 456 2.7 27,690 15.5
1991 6,813 20.3 3,117 19.1 6,165 21.6 6,699 11.9 2,403 6.4 447 2.1 25,641 13.3
1996 7,718 21.0 3,008 17.6 5,231 18.9 7,019 11.6 2,303 5.3 453 1.8 25,732 12.2
2001 6,732 18.5 2,997 15.7 4,308 17.0 5,988 10.0 2,211 4.5 501 1.8 22,743 10.4
2006 6,738 18.6 3,228 16.2 4,944 17.4 6,321 10.3 2,763 4.7 600 1.8 24,594 10.4
Household crowding, by sex
Year Male Female
Number % Number %
1986 13,887 15.6 13,803 15.3
1991 12,687 13.3 12,957 13.2
1996 12,574 12.2 13,158 12.2
2001 11,058 10.4 11,685 10.4
2006 11,997 10.4 12,594 10.3

Civil and Political Rights

Voter turnout - local authority elections

The proportion of all enrolled electors (both resident and ratepayer) who cast a vote in local authority elections for regional councils.

Election year 1989 1992 1995 1998 2001 2004 2007
Voter turnout (%) 61.0 61.0 54.0 54.0 52.0 45.0 44.0

Representation of women in government

The proportion of female candidates and elected members of regional councils in local authority elections.

Election activity 2001 2004 2007
For Council For Council For Council
Number % Number % Number %
Women candidates 5 26.0 4 12.0 4 13.0
Women voted in 4 33.0 1 7.0 2 15.0

Cultural Identity

Māori language speakers

The number of Māori who can hold a conversation about everyday things in Māori, as a proportion of the Māori population, and the total number of Māori speakers as a proportion of the total population.

Speakers of Māori 0 - 14 15 - 29 30 - 49 50 - 64 65+ Total
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
1996 Māori 6,291 26.5 4,362 27.4 4,902 31.4 2,904 56.5 1,524 66.1 19,977 31.8
  Total population 6,681 12.0 4,833 11.0 5,394 8.5 3,198 10.1 1,662 5.7 21,765 9.7
2001 Māori 6,366 26.5 4,353 29.5 4,905 29.8 2,742 47.2 1,638 63.2 20,001 31.4
  Total population 6,807 11.7 4,845 11.6 5,475 8.1 3,060 8.0 1,830 5.5 22,014 9.2
2006 Māori 5,919 24.5 4,503 29.3 5,295 30.0 2,898 40.4 1,896 56.9 20,511 30.3
  Total population 6,339 10.7 4,986 11.4 6,051 8.5 3,384 7.6 2,160 5.7 22,920 8.9

Language retention

The proportion of people who can speak the "first language" (excluding English) of their ethnic group, for ethnic groups (other than Māori) with an established resident population in New Zealand.

Indicator Born in NZ Overseas born Total
2001 2006 2001 2006 2001 2006
Language retention 13.0 14.3 72.4 73.6 40.6 43.8

Leisure and Recreation

Participation in physical activity

The proportion of the population aged 16 years and over who met physical activity guidelines (ie were physically active for at least 30 minutes a day on five or more days over the last week), as measured by the 2007/2008 Active New Zealand Survey.

Year Participation (%)
2007/2008 48.0

Physical Environment

Drinking water quality (can be more than 100% and highly variable)

The proportion of the estimated resident population who receive their water from community water supplies whose drinking water complies with either the 2000 or 2005 Drinking-water standards for New Zealand relating to E. coli and Cryptosporidium.

Year E. coli (%) Cryptosporidium (%)
2001 45.2 16.2
2002 75.5 15.3
2003 58.3 46.3
2004 61.2 42.1
2005 52.0 46.0
2006/2007 51.1 49.0
2007/2008 83.3 48.6


Recorded criminal offences

The total number of recorded criminal offences and the recorded criminal offence rate per 10,000 population.

Year Number Rate per 10,000
1999 31,599 1,286
2000 30,794 1,240
2001 32,462 1,298
2002 32,523 1,281
2003 32,450 1,257
2004 30,654 1,169
2005 29,579 1,113
2006 27,629 1,028
2007 29,550 1,090
2008 28,778 1,053


Road casualties

The number of people injured or killed in motor vehicle crashes per 100,000 of the total population.

Year Injuries Deaths
Number Rate per 100,000 Rate per 100,000
2001 607 248.5 17.6
2002 796 318.3 12.0
2003 836 329.1 20.5
2004 757 293.9 13.6
2005 708 272.0 8.8
2006 761 289.6 13.7
2007 850 317.5 13.4
2008 755 279.7 10.7

Social Connectedness

Telephone and internet access in the home

The proportion of the population with telephone and internet access in the home.

Telephone access (%)
Year Ethnicity Sex Age Total
European Māori Pacific Asian Other Male Female 0 - 14 15 - 24 25 - 44 45 - 64 65+
1996 96.4 80.3 81.2 94.6 90.2 92.0 92.6 88.5 89.2 92.1 96.1 97.7 92.3
2001 97.8 85.4 86.3 96.0 98.0 94.4 94.8 91.9 92.2 94.1 97.1 98.5 94.6
2006 98.8 92.8 93.3 97.9 97.7 97.0 97.3 96.0 96.2 96.8 98.1 98.9 97.2
Internet access (%)
Year Ethnicity Sex Age Total
European Māori Pacific Asian Other Male Female 0 - 14 15 - 24 25 - 44 45 - 64 65+
2001 41.5 20.6 20.5 47.1 57.9 37.8 35.8 39.1 36.8 40.9 41.1 16.3 36.7
2006 68.1 41.2 42.3 63.5 74.0 62.2 60.5 63.0 58.3 65.0 68.7 41.3 61.3

Contact between young people and their parents (please read notes before use)

The proportion of secondary school students (in Years 9–14, aged 18 years or younger) reporting that most weeks they spent enough time with their parents (2007).

Indicator Male Female
Spend enough time with parents (%) 53.0 50.0