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West Coast Region

This section provides people and indicator data for West Coast.

People data for West Coast

Ethnicity by age, proportion in the area and sex: Census 2006, Estimated population change, births, deaths and natural increase from 1996, Projected population change, Household composition

Indicator data for West Coast

Health: Life expectancy, Cigarette smoking, Suicide

Knowledge and Skills: Participation in early childhood education, School leavers with higher qualifications, Educational attainment of the adult population

Paid Work: Unemployment rate, Employment rate, Median hourly earnings, Workplace injury claims

Economic Standard of Living: Population with low incomes, Household crowding

Civil and Political Rights: Voter turnout - local authority elections, Representation of women in local government

Cultural Identity: Māori language speakers, Language retention

Leisure and Recreation: Participation in physical activity

Physical Environment: Drinking water quality

Safety: Recorded criminal offences, Road casualties

Social Connectedness: Telephone and internet access in the home, Contact between young people and their parents

People data for West Coast

Ethnicity by age, proportion in the area and sex: Census 2006

Ethnicity European Māori Pacific Asian Other Total
Age Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
0 - 14 5,847 20.4 1,095 37.6 102 36.2 87 25.2 18 24.0 6,396 20.4
15 - 24 3,042 10.6 471 16.2 51 18.1 48 13.9 12 16.0 3,390 10.8
25 - 44 7,548 26.4 756 25.9 90 31.9 120 34.8 30 40.0 8,385 26.8
45 - 64 8,127 28.4 474 16.3 33 11.7 63 18.3 12 16.0 8,817 28.1
65 - 74 2,286 8.0 87 3.0 6 2.1 15 4.3 0 0.0 2,433 7.8
75+ 1,785 6.2 33 1.1 3 1.1 6 1.7 0 0.0 1,902 6.1
Total 28,644 100.0 2,916 100.0 282 100.0 345 100.0 75 100.0 31,329 100.0
Ethnic % in the area 95.0 9.7 0.9 1.1 0.2 103.9
Male 14,520 50.7 1,461 50.1 150 53.2 138 40.0 36 48.0 15,909 50.8
Female 14,121 49.3 1,452 49.8 132 46.8 207 60.0 39 52.0 15,417 49.2
    100.0   100.0   100.0   100.0   100.0   100.0

Estimated population change, births, deaths and natural increase from 1996

Year Estimated resident
population at June
Population change Registered births
December year
Registered deaths
December year
Natural increase
December year
Number %
1996 33,200  -  - 491 305 186
1997 32,900 -300 -0.9 428 305 123
1998 32,500 -400 -1.2 403 320 83
1999 31,900 -600 -1.8 403 288 115
2000 31,400 -500 -1.6 361 227 134
2001 31,100 -300 -1.0 396 277 119
2002 31,100 0 0.0 330 268 62
2003 31,400 300 1.0 334 268 66
2004 31,500 100 0.3 399 255 144
2005 31,800 300 1.0 338 244 94
2006 32,100 300 0.9 390 242 148
2007 32,200 100 0.3 405 255 150
2008 32,400 200 0.6 452 275 177

Projected population change

Variant Population at 30 June Change 2006 - 2031
2006 2011 2016 2021 2026 2031 Number %
High   32,800 33,300 33,600 33,700 33,600 1,500 5.0
Medium 32,100 32,100 31,900 31,500 30,900 30,000 -2,100 -7.0
Low   31,400 30,500 29,400 28,200 26,600 -5,500 -17.0

Household composition

Household composition 1986 1991 1996 2001 2006
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
Couples with children 4,539 41.1 4,077 36.0 3,789 32.3 3,126 27.1 3,153 25.7
Couples without children 2,562 23.2 2,838 25.0 3,231 27.6 3,321 28.8 3,687 30.1
Multi-family 90 0.8 87 0.8 123 1.0 66 0.6 114 0.9
One parent family 1,020 9.2 1,188 10.5 1,248 10.6 1,170 10.2 1,209 9.9
One person 2,244 20.3 2,589 22.8 2,868 24.5 3,420 29.7 3,600 29.4
Other multi-person 588 5.3 561 4.9 468 4.0 420 3.6 495 4.0
Total 11,046 100.0 11,340 100.0 11,727 100.0 11,523 100.0 12,258 100.0

Indicator data for West Coast


Life expectancy

Life expectancy at birth indicates the total number of years a person could expect to live, based on the mortality rates of the population at each age in a given year or period.

Indicator 1990 - 1992 1995 - 1997 2000 - 2002 2005 - 2007
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Life expectancy at birth (years) 70.4 77.1 72.3 78.4 74.2 81.4 76.9 81.6

Cigarette smoking

The proportion (%) of the population in the area aged 15 years and over who currently smoke cigarettes.

The age-standardised prevalence (%) of cigarette smoking by sex
Year Male Female Total
Number % Number % Number %
1981 4,215 35.5 3,423 31.5 7,635 33.4
1996 3,195 28.4 2,991 28.0 6,180 28.2
2006 2,973 28.1 2,853 27.5 5,823 27.8
The age-specific prevalence (%) of cigarette smoking (not age-standardised)
Year 15 - 24 25 - 44 45 - 64 65+
Number % Number % Number % Number %
1981 1,695 31.7 3,042 35.6 2,112 35.6 786 22.6
1996 1,071 29.8 2,997 32.6 1,641 25.7 471 13.2
2006 921 29.9 2,469 32.1 2,001 25.0 432 11.1
The age-standardised prevalence (%) of cigarette smoking by ethnicity 2006
Sex European Māori Pacific Asian Other Total
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
Male 2,355 28.6 324 39.9 39 39.8 18 29.2 456 23.8 2,964 28.1
Female 2,334 28.6 384 42.5 21 22.0 15 11.4 357 19.7 2,850 27.5
Total 4,689 28.6 696 40.3 60 37.3 21 13.7 816 22.0 5,829 27.8


The number of suicide deaths per 100,000 population, and the number of hospitalisations for intentional self-harm per 100,000 population, expressed as an age-standardised rate for the population aged 5 years and over.

Suicide deaths and hospitalisation for intentional self-harm (for Tasman/Nelson/Marlborough/West Coast Region combined)
Sex 2002 - 2006
Suicide deaths Hospitalisations
Number Rate per 100,000 Number Rate per 100,000
Male 74 16.2 272 65.0
Female 24 5.1 651 168.6
Total 98 10.6 923 116.0

Knowledge and Skills

Participation in early childhood education

The number of 3 and 4 year olds enrolled in early childhood education programmes and the number of Year 1 students who indicated they have attended some form of early childhood education.

"Apparent" participation rate, 3 and 4 year olds (numbers can add to more than 100%)
Year Participation rate % Number enrolled
3 year 4 year Total 3 year 4 year Total
2001 75 83 79 306 341 647
2002 83 80 81 311 323 634
2003 88 80 84 322 307 629
2004 84 96 90 336 354 690
2005 82 89 86 306 358 664
2006 78 94 86 290 344 634
2007 88 89 88 343 335 678
2008 81 101 91 310 392 702
Early childhood attendance by Year 1 students, by ethnic group
Year European Māori Pacific Asian Other Total
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
2000 346 88.5 56 88.9 2 66.7 0 0.0 3 100.0 407 88.1
2001 327 89.6 54 85.7 4 100.0 2 100.0 1 100.0 388 89.2
2002 341 91.9 55 91.7 4 80.0 1 33.3 3 100.0 404 91.4
2003 344 96.4 58 98.3 2 100.0 2 40.0 3 100.0 409 96.0
2004 322 94.7 56 94.9 1 100.0 4 100.0 3 100.0 386 94.8
2005 286 94.7 75 96.2 3 100.0 1 100.0 2 66.7 367 94.8
2006 335 94.9 62 93.9 3 100.0 6 100.0 4 100.0 410 94.9
2007 308 97.2 53 100.0 5 100.0 1 100.0 7 100.0 374 97.7
2008 276 94.8 48 92.3 2 66.7 1 100.0 8 88.9 335 94.1

School leavers with higher qualifications

The proportion of school leavers who had attained a qualification at National Certificate of Educational Attainment (NCEA) Level 2 or above, and the proportion who leave with Bursary and above.

School leavers with higher qualifications, by sex
Year NCEA Level 2 or higher Bursary or higher
Sex (%) Total Sex (%) Total
Male Female Number % Male Female Number %
2005 26.9 42.0 132 35.1 9.9 16.6 51 13.6
2006 33.0 36.7 119 34.8 12.5 15.7 48 14.0
2007 42.1 47.8 167 44.8 13.8 18.5 60 16.1
School leavers with higher qualifications, by ethnicity
NCEA Level 2 or higher
Year European Māori Pacific Asian Other Total
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
2005 120 37.9 7 13.5 1 50.0 3 100.0 1 50.0 132 35.1
2006 104 38.0 5 10.0 3 50.0 3 50.0 4 66.7 119 34.8
2007 143 45.4 18 36.0 1 50.0 3 75.0 2 100.0 167 44.8
Bursary or higher
Year European Māori Pacific Asian Other Total
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
2005 45 14.2 3 5.8 0 0.0 2 66.7 1 50.0 51 13.6
2006 40 14.6 3 6.0 2 33.3 1 16.7 2 33.3 48 14.0
2007 51 16.2 7 14.0 0 0.0 1 25.0 1 50.0 60 16.1

Educational Attainment of the adult population 25-64 (for Tasman, Nelson, Marlborough and the West Coast combined)

The proportion of adults aged 25–64 years with an educational attainment of at least upper secondary school level and the proportion of adults with at least tertiary qualifications.

At least upper secondary, by age and sex ("..s" indicates numbers below 1,000)
Year Male Female 25 - 44 45 - 64 Total 25 - 64
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
1986 21,500 61.2 16,300 47.3 25,500 59.2 12,300 46.4 37,800 54.3
1991 23,200 66.1 22,500 61.9 31,700 70.7 13,900 52.6 45,700 64.0
1996 27,200 67.6 26,200 66.1 34,600 72.9 18,800 58.0 53,400 66.8
2001 30,100 71.3 29,200 68.4 35,200 75.0 24,100 63.5 59,300 69.9
2002 32,800 75.5 31,200 71.3 36,500 78.7 27,400 67.3 64,000 73.4
2003 33,300 76.5 32,000 73.6 36,900 82.1 28,400 67.5 65,300 75.0
2004 35,600 78.3 34,700 75.9 37,100 81.5 33,300 72.8 70,300 77.1
2005 36,500 77.9 37,500 77.1 40,000 83.5 34,000 71.4 74,000 77.5
2006 34,900 77.7 37,000 78.3 38,000 82.6 34,000 73.3 71,900 78.0
2007 35,500 78.7 36,800 77.1 35,900 80.5 36,300 75.5 72,200 77.9
2008 35,200 77.9 36,800 75.3 34,200 78.0 37,800 75.3 72,000 76.5
At least tertiary, by age and sex ("..s" indicates numbers below 1,000)
Year Male Female 25 - 44 45 - 64 Total 25 - 64
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
1986 1,800 5.2 ..s ..s 1,800 4.3 ..s ..s 2,800 4.0
1991 2,600 7.3 2,000 5.6 3,400 7.6 1,200 4.4 4,600 6.4
1996 2,500 6.2 1,900 4.7 2,500 5.4 1,800 5.7 4,400 5.5
2001 3,500 8.2 3,700 8.8 3,500 7.4 3,700 9.8 7,200 8.5
2002 3,700 8.6 3,700 8.5 4,100 8.9 3,300 8.1 7,400 8.5
2003 3,800 8.8 3,000 7.0 3,700 8.2 3,200 7.5 6,900 7.9
2004 5,100 11.1 4,500 9.8 4,800 10.6 4,700 10.3 9,600 10.5
2005 6,000 12.9 6,600 13.5 6,900 14.4 5,700 12.0 12,600 13.2
2006 5,500 12.3 6,600 14.0 6,900 15.1 5,200 11.3 12,200 13.2
2007 7,500 16.6 8,000 16.7 8,700 19.5 6,700 14.0 15,400 16.6
2008 7,000 15.5 8,200 16.8 8,300 18.9 6,900 13.7 15,200 16.1
At least upper secondary, by ethnicity ("..s" indicates numbers below 1,000) 
Year European Māori Pacific Other Total
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
1986 36,800 55.5 ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s 37,800 54.3
1991 44,000 64.9 ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s 45,700 64.0
1996 50,300 67.9 2,100 49.1 ..s ..s ..s ..s 53,400 66.8
2001 53,700 70.5 4,200 62.1 ..s ..s 1,100 74.3 59,300 69.9
2002 58,000 73.8 3,900 66.8 ..s ..s 1,600 84.7 64,000 73.4
2003 58,800 75.0 4,400 74.4 ..s ..s 1,400 89.6 65,300 75.0
2004 64,100 77.8 4,600 69.8 ..s ..s 1,400 82.9 70,300 77.1
2005 67,900 78.6 4,300 67.3 ..s ..s 1,500 69.1 74,000 77.5
2006 65,500 79.3 4,100 63.4 ..s ..s 2,000 74.4 71,900 78.0
2007 64,900 79.7 4,800 67.0 ..s ..s 2,100 64.3 72,200 77.9
2008 63,300 77.8 5,700 72.3 ..s ..s 2,400 62.8 72,000 76.5
At least tertiary, by ethnicity ("..s" indicates numbers below 1,000) 
Year European Māori Pacific Other Total
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
1986 2,800 4.2 ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s 2,800 4.0
1991 4,400 6.4 ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s 4,600 6.4
1996 4,200 5.7 ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s 4,400 5.5
2001 6,600 8.7 ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s 7,200 8.5
2002 6,700 8.6 ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s 7,400 8.5
2003 6,400 8.1 ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s 6,900 7.9
2004 8,800 10.7 ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s 9,600 10.5
2005 11,800 13.6 ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s 12,600 13.2
2006 11,100 13.5 ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s 12,200 13.2
2007 14,000 17.2 ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s 15,400 16.6
2008 13,800 17.0 ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s 15,200 16.1

Paid Work

Unemployment rate (for Tasman, Nelson, Marlborough and the West Coast combined - '..s' indicates numbers below 1,000)

The number of people aged 15 years and over who are not employed and who are actively seeking and available for paid work, expressed as a percentage of the total labour force.

Year 15 - 24 25 - 44 45 - 64 Male Female Total 15+
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
1986 1,100 6.4 1,100 3.0 ..s ..s 1,100 2.6 1,100 4.3 2,200 3.3
1991 2,600 17.9 2,600 7.0 ..s ..s 3,500 8.8 2,500 8.4 6,000 8.6
1996 1,600 10.6 2,300 5.7 ..s ..s 2,800 6.4 1,900 5.5 4,800 6.0
2001 1,100 8.4 1,300 3.2 ..s ..s 1,700 3.8 1,200 3.3 2,900 3.5
2002 1,200 9.7 1,200 3.0 ..s ..s 1,400 3.1 1,500 4.1 3,000 3.5
2003 1,100 8.4 1,200 3.1 ..s ..s 1,500 3.3 1,500 3.7 3,000 3.5
2004 ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s ..s 1,100 2.2 1,300 3.0 2,300 2.6
2005 1,100 7.6 ..s ..s ..s ..s 1,400 2.7 1,200 2.7 2,600 2.7
2006 1,100 8.3 1,100 2.8 ..s ..s 1,400 2.9 1,500 3.5 2,900 3.2
2007 1,300 9.9 ..s ..s ..s ..s 1,300 2.5 1,300 3.0 2,500 2.8
2008 1,200 7.9 ..s ..s ..s ..s 1,700 3.4 1,400 3.2 3,100 3.3

Employment rate (% for Tasman, Nelson, Marlborough and the West Coast combined - '..s' indicates numbers below 1,000)

The proportion of the population aged 15–64 years who are in paid employment for at least one hour per week.

Year 15 - 24 25 - 44 45 - 64 65+ Male Female Total
15-64 15-64 15-64
1986 71.2 78.3 57.6 7.4 86.5 54.4 70.6
1991 57.9 76.3 64.2 3.0 78.8 58.9 68.7
1996 62.5 78.9 69.8 8.7 79.6 65.4 72.5
2001 67.0 80.8 73.5 7.6 82.9 68.5 75.7
2002 64.7 79.7 77.0 7.4 84.2 68.2 76.2
2003 65.3 81.8 74.2 8.1 82.9 69.1 75.9
2004 68.8 79.4 77.4 9.9 83.6 69.6 76.5
2005 67.0 83.4 76.9 13.0 84.1 72.0 77.9
2006 68.2 81.8 77.8 10.6 84.8 71.1 77.9
2007 63.7 81.7 79.8 12.6 84.9 70.9 77.9
2008 67.2 80.3 78.8 14.2 83.1 71.7 77.3

Median hourly earnings ($ for Tasman, Nelson, Marlborough and the West Coast combined)

Real median hourly earnings from all wages and salaries for employees earning income from wage and salary jobs, as measured by the New Zealand Income Survey.

Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Total 15.1 15.2 15.5 15.5 15.3 15.6 16.2 16.5 17.0 17.6 18.0

Workplace injury claims (for Tasman, Nelson, Malborough and the West Coast combined)

The number of workplace accident insurance claims reported to the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) per 1,000 full-time equivalent employees (FTEs), excluding those employees who received accident and emergency treatment only.

December year Number of claims % of claims by sex Rate per
1,000 FTEs
Male Female Total Male Female
2002 8,555 2,991 11,546 74.1 25.9 163.0
2003 8,466 3,140 11,606 72.9 27.1 165.1
2004 8,462 3,099 11,561 73.2 26.8 149.0
2005 8,603 3,032 11,635 73.9 26.1 143.6
2006 8,396 3,053 11,449 73.3 26.7 146.8
2007 8,500 3,200 11,700 72.6 27.4 150.0

Economic Standard of Living

Population with low incomes

The proportion of people living in households with gross real income less than 60% of the median equivalised national income benchmarked at 2001.

Population with low incomes, by ethnicity
Year European Māori Pacific Asian Other Total
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
1986 6,024 24.7 456 34.9 21 24.1 15 14.3 15 83.3 6,405 25.0
1991 8,193 35.8 648 45.5 33 32.4 39 29.5 3 50.0 8,778 36.2
1996 7,869 32.6 873 41.1 60 39.2 51 28.3 21 46.7 8,373 32.8
2001 6,432 30.2 777 42.1 36 27.3 57 35.8 9 25.0 6,900 30.6
2006 5,544 24.6 621 28.7 48 25.4 51 21.8 21 38.9 5,961 24.9
Population with low incomes, by age
Year 0 - 14 15 - 24 25 - 44 45 - 64 65+ Total
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
1986 1,917 30.2 501 13.0 1,548 20.1 1,014 21.3 1,428 48.8 6,405 25.0
1991 2,268 39.9 750 24.3 2,103 28.0 1,608 33.1 2,052 67.1 8,778 36.2
1996 2,400 38.4 603 22.3 2,061 26.1 1,506 27.2 1,803 57.8 8,373 32.8
2001 1,950 36.7 438 22.0 1,638 25.0 1,416 24.4 1,458 50.1 6,900 30.6
2006 1,338 26.8 363 15.9 1,152 17.8 1,458 21.0 1,653 50.8 5,961 24.9
Population with low incomes, by sex
Year Male Female
Number % Number %
1986 2,946 22.6 3,459 27.6
1991 4,149 33.6 4,629 39.0
1996 3,921 30.3 4,452 35.5
2001 3,315 29.1 3,585 32.1
2006 2,859 23.5 3,105 26.3

Household crowding

The proportion of the population living in crowded housing (ie requiring one or more additional bedrooms, as defined by the Canadian Crowding Index).

Household crowding, by ethnicity
Year European Māori Pacific Asian Other Total
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
1986 2,655 9.4 267 16.5 18 16.2 18 14.0 6 33.3 3,018 9.9
1991 1,851 6.8 333 18.7 18 13.3 15 10.0 0 0.0 2,238 7.6
1996 1,489 5.4 358 13.8 23 12.8 15 7.1 8 16.0 1,790 6.0
2001 969 3.9 195 8.7 24 15.7 18 9.7 3 6.7 1,143 4.2
2006 903 3.5 276 10.6 48 19.5 24 8.6 3 5.0 1,176 4.2
Household crowding, by age
Year 0 - 9 10 - 14 15 - 24 25 - 44 45 - 64 65+ Total
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
1986 570 11.6 423 15.0 828 16.7 801 8.7 348 6.3 48 1.6 3,018 9.9
1991 564 11.6 249 10.7 507 12.4 660 7.1 210 3.7 48 1.4 2,238 7.6
1996 504 10.0 210 9.2 336 9.4 540 5.8 169 2.6 31 0.9 1,790 6.0
2001 345 8.4 153 6.9 183 6.9 318 4.0 126 1.8 24 0.7 1,143 4.2
2006 282 7.8 162 7.2 222 7.4 321 4.2 159 2.0 24 0.7 1,176 4.2
Household crowding, by sex
Year Male Female
Number % Number %
1986 1,587 10.2 1,437 9.6
1991 1,170 7.8 1,068 7.4
1996 894 5.9 896 6.1
2001 600 4.4 543 4.1
2006 627 4.4 546 3.9

Civil and Political Rights

Voter turnout - local authority elections

The proportion of all enrolled electors (both resident and ratepayer) who cast a vote in local authority elections for regional councils.

Election year 1989 1992 1995 1998 2001 2004 2007
Voter turnout (%) 74.0 70.0 70.0 72.0 79.0 68.0 57.0

Representation of women in government

The proportion of female candidates and elected members of regional councils in local authority elections.

Election activity 2001 2004 2007
For Council For Council For Council
Number % Number % Number %
Women candidates 1 10.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Women voted in 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Cultural Identity

Māori language speakers

The number of Māori who can hold a conversation about everyday things in Māori, as a proportion of the Māori population, and the total number of Māori speakers as a proportion of the total population.

Speakers of Māori 0 - 14 15 - 29 30 - 49 50 - 64 65+ Total
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
1996 Māori 99 8.7 114 16.3 99 14.2 54 23.7 15 21.7 390 13.8
  Total population 162 2.1 183 3.0 165 1.7 87 1.9 24 0.6 627 1.9
2001 Māori 87 8.5 87 16.5 114 17.7 57 23.2 12 12.5 366 14.4
  Total population 171 2.5 138 2.9 183 2.0 93 1.7 39 1.0 618 2.0
2006 Māori 99 9.0 72 11.1 108 14.5 48 15.7 33 28.2 363 12.4
  Total population 162 2.5 132 2.7 180 1.9 87 1.4 42 1.0 600 1.9

Language retention

The proportion of people who can speak the "first language" (excluding English) of their ethnic group, for ethnic groups (other than Māori) with an established resident population in New Zealand.

Indicator Born in NZ Overseas born Total
2001 2006 2001 2006 2001 2006
Language retention 6.3 6.9 61.6 62.6 33.6 34.5

Leisure and Recreation

Participation in physical activity (for Canterbury and West Coast combined)

The proportion of the population aged 16 years and over who met physical activity guidelines (ie were physically active for at least 30 minutes a day on five or more days over the last week), as measured by the 2007/2008 Active New Zealand Survey.

Year Participation (%)
2007/2008 53.0

Physical Environment

Drinking water quality (can be more than 100% and highly variable)

The proportion of the estimated resident population who receive their water from community water supplies whose drinking water complies with either the 2000 or 2005 Drinking-water standards for New Zealand relating to E. coli and Cryptosporidium.

Year E. coli (%) Cryptosporidium (%)
2001 60.9 17.0
2002 57.2 18.2
2003 59.0 0.0
2004 34.0 0.4
2005 33.3 0.4
2006/2007 35.0 1.0
2007/2008 46.9 1.0


Recorded criminal offences

The total number of recorded criminal offences and the recorded criminal offence rate per 10,000 population.

Year Number Rate per 10,000
1999 3,272 1,025
2000 3,249 1,033
2001 3,044 981
2002 3,025 971
2003 3,297 1,052
2004 2,667 847
2005 2,486 782
2006 2,881 897
2007 2,898 899
2008 3,036 938

Road casualties

The number of people injured or killed in motor vehicle crashes per 100,000 of the total population.

Year Injuries Deaths
Number Rate per 100,000 Rate per 100,000
2001 150 465.8 55.9
2002 118 383.1 51.9
2003 155 504.9 16.3
2004 131 428.1 32.7
2005 152 498.4 19.7
2006 182 596.7 13.1
2007 169 524.8 18.6
2008 172 530.9 24.7

Social Connectedness

Telephone and internet access in the home

The proportion of the population with telephone and internet access in the home.

Telephone access (%)
Year Ethnicity Sex Age Total
European Māori Pacific Asian Other Male Female 0 - 14 15 - 24 25 - 44 45 - 64 65+
1996 92.8 85.0 90.0 90.0 93.8 91.1 93.5 91.7 90.1 91.2 94.3 95.0 92.3
2001 95.2 89.7 94.0 92.1 92.9 93.9 95.9 95.0 92.7 93.8 95.9 96.7 94.9
2006 97.3 94.4 98.8 95.6 95.2 96.3 97.7 97.5 95.8 96.3 97.1 98.2 97.0
Internet access (%)
Year Ethnicity Sex Age Total
European Māori Pacific Asian Other Male Female 0 - 14 15 - 24 25 - 44 45 - 64 65+
2001 30.8 25.8 32.0 38.1 64.3 31.0 30.8 37.9 32.9 35.6 29.8 7.7 30.9
2006 58.8 48.6 43.8 67.0 81.0 58.0 58.8 68.5 58.5 64.2 59.9 26.9 58.4

Contact between young people and their parents (for Tasman, Nelson, Marlborough and the West Coast combined - please read notes before use)

The proportion of secondary school students (in Years 9–14, aged 18 years or younger) reporting that most weeks they spent enough time with their parents (2007).

Indicator Male Female
Spend enough time with parents (%) 67.0 52.0