Summary table of indicators
Indicators |
Current level of updated indicators (most recent year) and the change from the previous result |
Longer-term change |
Variation within the population |
Comparison with the OECD |
better |
same |
worse |
not updated |
not comparable |
Health expectancy |
Males 67.4 years
Females 69.2 years (2006) |
Improved, faster for males than for females |
Lower for males and Māori |
No comparison available |
Life expectancy |
Males 78.4 years
Females 82.4 years (2007–2009) |
Improved, faster for males than for females |
Lower for males, Māori and people living in deprived areas |
Similar to OECD median |
Suicide |
11.0 deaths per 100,000 (age-standardised rate for all ages) (2007)
Youth 15–24 years, 15.3 deaths per 100,000 (2007)
Improved since 1998, below the 1986 level |
Suicide deaths higher for males, youth, young adults and Māori; intentional
self-harm hospitalisations higher for females |
Higher than OECD median for males; relatively high for youth of both sexes |
Cigarette smoking |
22 percent of population aged 15–64 years (2009)
21 percent of population aged 15 years and over (2008)
6 percent of girls, 5 percent of boys aged 14–15 years (daily rate) (2009)
15–64 years population: improved from 2006 to 2009
15 years and over population: improved to 1991, steady to 2003, improved to 2007
14–15 year olds: big drop since 1999 |
Higher rates among younger adults, Māori, Pacific peoples and people living in deprived areas |
Daily smoking rate lower than OECD median overall; much lower than OECD median for males, similar to OECD median for females |
Obesity |
25 percent of population aged 15 years and over (age-standardised rate) (2006/2007)
8 percent of children aged 5–14 years (2006/2007) |
Increased since 1997 but no statistically significant increase in age-adjusted rate between 2002/2003 and 2006/2007
Children: Similar to rate in 2002 |
Higher for Pacific peoples, Māori, and people living in deprived areas |
Higher than OECD median for 12 countries with measured obesity rate |
Potentially hazardous drinking |
22.9 percent of drinkers aged 15 years and over (2006/2007) |
Similar to levels in 1996/1997 and 2002/2003 |
Higher among males, young people, Māori , Pacific peoples, those in deprived areas |
Alcohol consumption lower than OECD median |
Knowledge and skills
Paid work
Indicators |
Current level of updated indicators (most recent year) and the change from the previous result |
Longer-term change |
Variation within the population |
Comparison with the OECD |
better |
same |
worse |
not updated |
not comparable |
Unemployment |
6.1 percent of the labour force (year ended December 2009) |
Improved since 1998, but above mid-1980s levels |
Higher rates for youth aged 15–24 years, Māori, Pacific peoples |
Lower than OECD median |
Employment |
72.9 percent of the population aged 15–64 years (year ended December 2009) |
Improved since 1998, similar to mid-1980s levels |
Lower rates for young people, women and ethnic groups other than European |
Well above OECD median, for males and females |
Median hourly earnings |
$19.47 an hour for wage and salary earners ($20.53 for males; $18.22 for females) (June quarter 2009) |
Improved since 1997 |
Lower for Pacific peoples, Māori, youth and females over 20 years |
No comparison available |
Work-related injury claims |
117 claims per 1,000 full-time equivalent employees (2008 provisional) |
Improved since 2002 |
Higher rates for men, ethnic groups other than European |
No comparison available |
Satisfaction with work-life balance |
78 percent of employed people said they were satisfied with their work-life balance (2008) |
Steady |
Full-time employed people and people aged 35–54 years are less likely to be satisfied with their work-life balance |
No comparison available |
Economic standard of living
Indicators |
Current level of updated indicators (most recent year) and the change from the previous result |
Longer-term change |
Variation within the population |
Comparison with the OECD |
better |
same |
worse |
not updated |
not comparable |
Market income per person |
RGNDI of $29,836 per person (in constant 1995/1996 dollars) (year ended December 2009) |
Improved since the mid-1990s, higher than the late 1980s |
Not measured |
Well below OECD median |
Income inequality |
The equivalised disposable income of a household at the 80th percentile was 2.5 times larger than the income of a household at the 20th percentile (2009) |
Around the same as the mid-1990s |
Not relevant |
Higher inequality than OECD median (around 2004) |
Population with low incomes |
15 percent of population lives in households with incomes below 60 percent of the 2007 median, after adjusting for housing costs (2009) |
Improved considerably since the mid-1990s |
Higher rates for children, sole-parent families and large families |
Slightly higher than OECD median, using a 50 percent of median measure (2004) |
Housing affordability |
27 percent of all households spend more than 30 percent of income on housing (2009)
33 percent of low-income households spend more than 30 percent of income on housing (2009)
Improved from 1998 to 2004, worsened between 2004 and 2007, steady in 2009
Low-income households: improved between 1994 and 2004, steady in 2007 and 2009 |
Higher proportions for low-income households, Pacific peoples and Other ethnic groups, |
No comparison available |
Household crowding |
10 percent of individuals live in households requiring one or more additional bedrooms (2006) |
Improved |
More common among families with young children, youth, people in rental housing, Māori and Pacific peoples and in Manukau City |
No comparison available |
Civil and political rights
Indicators |
Current level of updated indicators (most recent year) and the change from the previous result |
Longer-term change |
Variation within the population |
Comparison with the OECD |
better |
same |
worse |
not updated |
not comparable |
Voter turnout (general elections)
Voter turnout (local authority elections) |
76 percent of the population eligible to vote (2008)
44 percent of enrolled electors (2007)
Fallen |
Asian people, the unemployed and people on low incomes less likely to vote |
Higher than OECD median for general election |
Representation of women in government |
34 percent of seats in Parliament (2008 general election)
32 percent of elected members (2007 local authority elections)
Improved |
Not relevant |
Well above OECD median for women in parliament |
Representation of ethnic groups in government |
25 percent of MPs identified as Māori, Pacific peoples or Asian |
Improved |
Pacific peoples and Asians under-represented |
No comparison available |
Perceived discrimination |
Asians most common group perceived to be subject to discrimination (2008)
(new) 10 percent of people aged 15 years and over report being discriminated against (2008) |
No trend available |
Highest for Asians, people on welfare
Higher for Asians, Māori, Pacific people, youth, unemployed, sole parents, people in rental housing |
Group discrimination: no comparison available
Personal discrimination: well below median for 19 European OECD countries |
Perceived corruption |
New Zealand ranked first as least corrupt nation with a Corruption Perceptions Index score of 9.4 (2009) |
Steady |
Not relevant |
Well above OECD median |
Cultural identity
Indicators |
Current level of updated indicators (most recent year) and the change from the previous result |
Longer-term change |
Variation within the population |
Comparison with the OECD |
better |
same |
worse |
not updated |
not comparable |
Local content programming on New Zealand television |
39 percent of the prime-time schedule (2009) |
Improved |
Not relevant |
Below average (1999) |
Māori language speakers |
24 percent of Māori report ability to converse in Māori (2006) |
Slightly lower in 2006 than in 2001 |
Speakers more likely to be older |
Not relevant |
Language retention |
Varied from 16 percent of Cook Islands Māori to 84 percent of Koreans (2006) |
Little change for most ethnic groups |
Not relevant |
No comparison available |
Leisure and recreation
Indicators |
Current level of updated indicators (most recent year) and the change from the previous result |
Longer-term change |
Variation within the population |
Comparison with the OECD |
better |
same |
worse |
not updated |
not comparable |
Assault mortality |
All ages: Age-standardised rate of 1.3 deaths per 100,000 people (2007, provisional)
Children under 15 years: five-year average annual rate of 0.8 deaths per 100,000 (2003–2007)
Improved since early 1990s
Improved |
Highest among males, youth aged 15–24 years and Māori |
Higher than OECD median, especially for females; no recent comparison for children |
Criminal victimisation |
39 percent of population aged 15 years and over were victims of criminal offending, either as individuals or members of households (2005) |
No trend available |
Young people, Māori and Pacific peoples more likely to have been a victim of crime |
No reliable comparison available |
Fear of crime |
40 percent of adults said that fear of crime had a moderate or high impact on their quality of life (2005) |
No trend available |
Fear higher among females, Asians, Māori, Pacific peoples and those in socio-economically deprived areas |
No comparison available |
Road casualties |
8.9 deaths per 100,000 population (2009)
337 injuries per 100,000 population (2009, provisional)
Improved since mid-1980s |
High rates among men, young people, Māori and those aged 65 years and over |
Road user death rate higher than the OECD median for all ages; highest of 24 OECD countries for children under 15 years and youth 15–17 years |
Social connectedness
Life satisfaction
Indicators |
Current level of updated indicators (most recent year) and the change from the previous result |
Longer-term change |
Variation within the population |
Comparison with the OECD |
Overall life satisfaction |
(new) 86 percent of population aged 15 years and over were satisfied with their life overall (2008) |
No trend available |
Lower for the unemployed, sole parents, people with no qualifications, people in rented housing |
Above the OECD median |