The future
Statistics New Zealand has led a major review of its
social survey programme that should, in the long term, lead to the more
regular collection of a wider set of social statistics. Statistics New
Zealand is also leading the "Linked Indicators" project, one of
the aims of which is to identify a common set of indicators across the
social, economic, environmental and cultural domains. Progress on this
work can be found on the Statistics New
Zealand website. Statistics New Zealand is also
developing a complementary set of more detailed indicators targeted at
community outcomes. These will also be available on the website.
The Ministry of Social Development is looking at ways to
continue to make the Social Report more useful at a subnational level.
As well as providing subnational disaggregations of social report
indicators on this website, we are working with the "Big Cities" group
to improve the alignment of outcomes and indicators of social wellbeing
at a national and subnational level.4
As previously noted, we currently produce the Social Report on
an annual basis. We will continue to refine the desired social outcomes
and indicators, and we welcome your feedback and suggestions as to how
you think this might be done. Comments can be made to:
The Social Report Project Manager
Ministry of Social Development
PO Box 1556
Wellington 6140
New Zealand