Educational attainment of the adult population
The proportion of adults aged 25–64 years with an educational
attainment of at least upper secondary school level, defined in the
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 1997) as
Level 3 and above, and including tertiary qualifications at bachelor’s
degree and above (Level 5A/6).
The educational attainment of the adult population is an
indicator of the skills available in the economy. The level of formal
educational qualifications in the population is a commonly used proxy
for the stock of "human capital", ie the skills available in the
population and labour force.
Current level and trends
In the year ended December 2006, 77 percent of the population
aged 25–64 years (1.65 million people) had attained an educational
qualification at upper secondary level or above, slightly lower than in
2005 (78 percent) but a substantial increase from 67 percent in 1991.
Over the same period the proportion of adults with a bachelor’s degree
or higher qualification had risen from 8 percent to almost 20 percent
(418,000 people). The slight decline in educational qualifications at
upper secondary level or above could be attributable in part to the
strong labour market encouraging people into employment rather than
into further education.
Figure K4.1 Proportion of adults aged
25–64 years with an educational attainment of at least upper secondary
level and tertiary level, 1991–2006

Source: Statistics New Zealand, Household Labour
Force Survey
Notes: (1) Tertiary equals bachelor’s degree or higher (2) This measure
has been revised – see Appendix 2 for details
Age and sex differences
Younger adults aged 25–34 years are much more likely to have
at least upper secondary school qualifications or a bachelor’s degree
or higher than adults aged 55–64 years.
Sex differences in educational attainment have narrowed over
time. For younger age groups, women are more likely than men to have
higher qualifications.
Table K4.1 Proportion (%) of population
aged 25–64 years with higher qualifications,by age and sex, 2006
25–34 |
35–44 |
45–54 |
55–64 |
Total 25–64 |
At least upper secondary |
Males |
82.5 |
80.8 |
78.2 |
68.5 |
78.1 |
Females |
85.0 |
80.8 |
75.4 |
60.0 |
76.4 |
Total |
83.8 |
80.8 |
76.8 |
64.2 |
77.2 |
Tertiary |
Males |
22.5 |
20.8 |
18.5 |
15.2 |
19.5 |
Females |
29.1 |
21.4 |
16.5 |
8.9 |
19.6 |
Total |
25.9 |
21.1 |
17.4 |
12.0 |
19.5 |
Source: Statistics New Zealand, Household Labour
Force Survey, December years
Notes: (1) Tertiary equals bachelor’s degree or higher (2) This measure
has been revised – see Appendix 2 for details
Ethnic differences
Māori and Pacific adults are much less likely than adults in
the European and Other ethnic groups to have higher qualifications. In
the year ended December 2006, 61 percent of Māori and 54 percent of
Pacific adults aged 25–64 years held at least upper secondary
qualifications, compared with 80 percent of Europeans. Similarly, just
9 percent of Māori and 7 percent of Pacific adults held a tertiary
qualification at bachelor’s degree level or above, compared with 19
percent of Europeans. The proportion of adults with at least upper
secondary qualifications grew faster for Māori and Pacific adults than
for Europeans up to 2003, but fell in the three years to 2006. The
Other ethnic group (which includes Asians) has consistently had the
highest proportion of adults with a tertiary qualification, more than
double that of the European ethnic group.
Table K4.2 Proportion (%) of
population aged 25–64 years with higher qualifications, by ethnic
group, selected years, 1996–2006
European |
Māori |
Pacific peoples
Other |
Total |
At least upper secondary |
1996 |
75.3 |
48.4 |
45.1 |
79.4 |
71.8 |
2001 |
78.8 |
59.9 |
65.8 |
85.1 |
76.8 |
2005 |
80.6 |
62.4 |
55.3 |
81.6 |
77.8 |
2006 |
80.1 |
60.7 |
53.5 |
83.5 |
77.2 |
Tertiary |
1996 |
10.8 |
2.5 |
1.9 |
27.4 |
10.6 |
2001 |
13.2 |
5.0 |
5.6 |
32.0 |
13.4 |
2005 |
18.6 |
8.1 |
7.0 |
42.1 |
19.5 |
2006 |
18.9 |
8.5 |
7.1 |
39.0 |
19.5 |
Source: Statistics New Zealand, Household Labour
Force Survey, December years
Notes: (1) In this data, Other includes Asian ethnic groups (2)
Tertiary equals bachelor’s degree or higher (3) This measure has been
revised – see Appendix 2 for details
International comparison
In 2004, 78 percent of New Zealand adults had at least
upper secondary level qualifications, compared with an OECD average of
67 percent.45 New Zealand ranked 12th equal (with Finland) out of 30 OECD
countries. New Zealand also ranked 12th equal (with Switzerland
and Ireland) in the proportion of adults who have bachelor’s degrees or
higher, with a rate of 18 percent (just below the OECD average of 19
percent). Countries which had higher proportions of adults with
qualifications at this level included the United States (30 percent –
the highest rate), Canada and Australia (each 22 percent), and the
United Kingdom (20 percent). New Zealand is among the two-thirds
of OECD countries in which females aged 25–34 years are more likely
than males of that age to have tertiary qualifications to bachelor’s
degree or higher.