Ministerial foreword
I am delighted to see positive proof of change in many of the
measures included in the social report. It is encouraging to see
improvements in life expectancy, qualifications of school leavers,
unemployment, poverty and income inequality and a reduction in
cigarette smoking, . It is particularly pleasing to see that the income
inequality measure used in the Social Report has reduced for the first
time for two decades.
Achieving a just and fair society is an ongoing effort, and we
will continue to strive towards this goal. The Social Report usefully
points us to where some of this work lies.
The positive results evident in The Social Report 2008 could
not have been achieved without the close relationship between
government and the community and voluntary sectors. I would like to
take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank the people involved in
these sectors for their work and enduring commitment.
Ruth Dyson
Minister for Social Development and Employment