Cigarette smoking
The proportion of the population who currently smoke cigarettes. Up to 2005, the survey population was people aged 15 years and over (ACNielsen survey). From 2006, the survey population is people aged 15–64 years (New Zealand Tobacco Use Survey, New Zealand Health Survey).
Tobacco smoking is a well-recognised risk factor for many cancers and for respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (particularly maternal smoking) is a major risk factor for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and respiratory problems in children. Smoking has been identified as the major cause of preventable death in OECD countries.29
Current level and trends
In 2008, 23 per cent of people aged 15–64 years were current cigarette smokers, according to the New Zealand Tobacco Use Survey. This was just below the smoking prevalence rate derived from the New Zealand Tobacco Use Survey conducted in the first quarter of 2006 (24 per cent).
Long-term trends are available only for the population aged 15 years and over. The Ministry of Health’s estimate of smoking prevalence for this population in 2008 is 21.0 per cent. This is similar to the 2006/2007 New Zealand Health Survey estimate of 19.9 per cent and the 2006 Census figure of 20.7 per cent, but below the 24 per cent derived from the ACNielsen survey for 2005. Among the population aged 15 years and over, smoking has declined from 30 per cent in 1986, with most of the decline occurring between 1987 and 1991.
It is important to note there are methodological differences between these three surveys and some caution should be used when comparing figures. Ongoing monitoring in the social report will be based on the New Zealand Tobacco Use Survey. As this survey is carried out in two out of every three years, it allows the most frequent updates.
Figure H4.1 Prevalence of Cigarette smoking, population aged 15 years and over, 1986–2008

Source: Ministry of Health
Notes: (1) Data not standardised for age. (2) Data is for the population aged 15 years and over. 1986–1995, 1997–2005: ACNielsen; 1996, 2006: Statistics New Zealand, Census of Population and Dwellings; 2007: New Zealand Health Survey; 2008: estimates derived by the Ministry of Health from the New Zealand Health Survey and the New Zealand Tobacco Use Survey
Age and sex differences
Smoking rates for females and males have generally been similar since the mid-1980s. However, after adjusting for age, the male rate was higher than the female rate in 2008 (26 per cent and 22 per cent respectively).
In 2008, smoking was most prevalent among people aged 25–34 years (28 per cent), followed by those aged 15–24 years (26 per cent). People aged 55–64 years had a significantly lower smoking prevalence than younger age groups (17 per cent). Since the mid-1980s, people aged 55 years and over have experienced the greatest decline in smoking prevalence.30
Daily smoking rates for 14–15 year olds have declined considerably since 1999. Between 1999 and 2007, the prevalence of daily smoking declined by 56 per cent for males in this age group (from 14 per cent to 6 per cent) and by 51 per cent for females (from 17 per cent to 8 per cent).
Ethnic differences
After adjusting for age, smoking prevalence is significantly higher among Māori and Pacific peoples (at around 46 per cent and 31 per cent respectively in 2008), than among the total population aged 15–64 years. It is significantly lower among Asian ethnic groups (13 per cent in 2008). Among Māori, smoking prevalence is significantly higher for women than for men. The opposite is the case for other ethnic groups, particularly Asians: Asian men have a significantly higher smoking prevalence rate than Asian women.
Table H4.1 Age-standardised prevalence (%) of cigarette smoking, by sex and ethnic group, 2008
Percentage in each ethnic group who smoke cigarettes |
European/Other |
Māori |
Pacific peoples |
Asian |
Total |
Male |
23.8 |
41.5 |
35.0 |
21.5 |
25.7 |
Female |
20.9 |
49.3 |
28.1 |
5.2 |
22.3 |
Total |
22.3 |
45.7 |
31.4 |
13.1 |
23.9 |
Source: Ministry of Health (2009b)
Notes: (1) Rates are age-standardised using the WHO world standard population. (2) People who reported more than one ethnic group are counted once in each group reported
Socio-economic differences
In 2008, the smoking prevalence rate in the most deprived areas (NZDep2006 deciles 9 and 10) was 2.7 times the rate in the least deprived areas (deciles 1 and 2).31
International comparison
In an OECD comparison of daily smoking rates for adults aged 15 years and over, New Zealand had a rate of 18 per cent in 2007, compared with an OECD median of 23 per cent.32 New Zealand ranked fourth lowest out of 30 OECD countries. Smoking prevalence was highest in Greece (40 per cent in 2008) and lowest in Sweden (just under 15 per cent in 2006). New Zealand’s daily smoking rate was lower than the United Kingdom’s (21 per cent in 2007), similar to Australia’s (17 per cent in 2007) and Canada’s (18 per cent in 2007), and higher than the rate in the United States (15 per cent in 2007). Compared to other OECD countries, New Zealand’s smoking levels are relatively low for both sexes, ranking fourth lowest for males and 13th lowest for females.33
Tobacco consumption
In 2008, tobacco available for consumption was 1,011 cigarette equivalents per person aged 15 years and over, similar to 1,002 in 2007. Since 1991, tobacco consumption has decreased by 42 per cent. Over this period, the drop in tobacco consumption has been more rapid than the drop in smoking prevalence.
Figure H4.2 Tobacco consumption, cigarette equivalents per person aged 15 years and over, 1991–2008

Sources: Statistics New Zealand
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